Saturday, April 29, 2006

Language Explosion

My youngest son is a year-and-a-half. He's been saying a few words since he was about one, but it seems this week his vocabulary has exploded. It is as though a light bulb has suddenly clicked on in his brain. I remember the same process happening with my first son. It is an exciting time, and I think one of the most interesting stages of childhood development.

What has my young toddler been saying?

He has named his special stuffed lion "La La". He can say "nank" for his snuggly blankie. He's been calling for "Mommeeeee" and "Daddeeeee". He often says "pees" and "ank you". It seems his vocabulary is most extensive when it comes to food: "milk", "juice", "cheese", "cookie", "bun", "cracker" and "na na" are all common words. This evening he even said "suitcase" clear as a bell.

I love seeing his little personality develop as he learns to communicate. My toddler an outgoing, happy, full-of-fun child. I think he will be a real chatterbox in a few months! I am very thankful to be at home 24-7 to witness his transformation from baby to little boy. It is a privilege to be "Mommeeee" to such a sweet little guy.

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