Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Loving Husband

My husband is a certified computer geek. His idea of a fun evening activity is checking site statistics on Google Analytics. Oh yes ... he really knows how to keep a girl entertained.

A few days ago Ben began tracking my site with the Google statistics software. I will admit, it is pretty interesting to see how many hits my site gets each day, and where they all come from. Ben likes to take site tracking a step further, though. He mines for more detailed data.

Last night Ben was having great fun checking the Google key words people used in order to find my site. For example, Google Analytics tells me that someone searched for "Splash the baby hippo" and was directed to Ben thought it would be fun to see what other words and phrases he could come up with.

That was when he broke ... The Sacred Husband Code.

(Definition: The Sacred Husband Code states that there are certain things a husband must never say, imply, think -- and certainly not write -- about his wife. And he must never, ever, ever, use them as search terms on Google.)

My loving, caring, sensitive husband typed the following phrase into the search engine:

"Lindsay the pregnant hippo".

My site came up second on the list.

I have no further comment.

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