Saturday, May 06, 2006

Prenatal Supplements

This is my third pregnancy. I believe it has been the best of all three. Unfortunately, in the first trimester I was quite nauseous and sick. Since eleven weeks, though, I have been feeling mostly healthy and energetic.

I suspect there are several reasons why this pregnancy is going so well. All three of my pregnancies have been fairly easy and complication-free. However, I have done a few things differently this time around.

From the beginning of this pregnancy I have been taking three new supplements. One I decided to take after researching it myself, and two were suggested by my midwife:

Alfalfa -- 2, 650mg tablets, 3x a day (breakfast, lunch and supper)

I can't say enough about the difference alfalfa has made in this pregnancy. In my past pregnancies I suffered from severe heart burn. I would take up to 12 extra-strength Tums per day. The problem with taking so many antacids was that my body could not absorb iron properly. I became very tired and anemic. Alfalfa has cut down my heart burn tremendously. I sometimes still suffer from heart burn, but now I only might take one Tums before bed.

As well, alfalfa is very good at promoting regularity. I had some trouble in this area with my first two pregnancies, but have had no problems this time.

Further, alfalfa is full of Vitamin K. This vitamin is important for blood clotting. I have noticed that I have fewer bruises lately than I usually do. (Being the mother of small boys can be hazardous!) My midwife also tells me that I will likely experience less postpartum blood loss because my Vitamin K levels will be high.

Soy Lecithin --- 2, 1200mg capsules, 2x a day (breakfast and supper)

My midwife suggested I take these capsules to help with sciatic pain in my hip. In my last pregnancy I found the sciatic pain to be quite debilitating, and even resorted to taking Tylenol at times. This pregnancy I am considerably more comfortable. Sometimes my hip is sore, but for the most part I am pain-free. I believe the combination of soy lecithin and gentle stretching in the swimming pool have made a difference.

Omega-3 --- 1, 720mg capsule, once a day (breakfast)

My midwife also suggested I take fish oil capsules. Omega-3 fatty acids are needed for the baby's neurological development. As well, my midwife believes omega-3 helps to stabilize mood swings and crazy pregnancy emotions. I suspect the fish oil promotes bowel regularity. Omega-3 fatty acids seem to be a popular supplement these days.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea --- 2 cups a day

This is a supplement I have used in the past. Raspberry leaf tea is a good uterine tonic. With all my pregnancies I have had strong pre-labour Braxton Hicks contractions. I wonder if the raspberry tea has strengthened the contractions, so I have decided this time not to drink it until after 36 weeks.

I believe no supplement can replace proper nutrition and exercise. However, in combination with a healthy diet, supplements can be useful. I believe alfalfa, soy lecithin and omega-3s have made a difference in my third pregnancy.

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