Monday, June 05, 2006


The clock is ticking down. Our new baby girl is due in 15 days. Babies tend to come in their own time, but I am prepared for our baby to arrive any day now.

Unfortunately, I have firmly entered the insomnia stage of late pregnancy. Though my body is ready for bed by 8pm, the rest of me has trouble falling asleep. Several nights this week I have been awake until past 2am.

It seems that just as I am ready to fall asleep, my little passenger is awake and feeling wiggly. My baby is quite big now. Her movements cause my belly to bulge and distort in surprising ways. Needless to say, I have difficulty falling asleep when she is dancing in my womb.

My mind is also especially active at night. I think this is because night is the only peaceful, quiet time I have to myself. Thankfully, I am not much of a worrier. I am not laying awake analysing situations or obsessing about the coming birth. Instead, I lay in bed making plans --- dreaming up projects, plotting stories, thinking of ways we can renovate the house (sorry Ben!). Sometimes I get carried away with too many thoughts swirling in my head.

It also doesn't help that my baby has dropped very low, so I must use the washroom basically once every hour. Nothing is more frustrating than just falling asleep only to be woken up by an insistent bladder.

Ahhh, pregnancy is wonderful!

But all the discomfort and fatigue is completely worth it. I can hardly wait to snuggle my new baby girl in my arms. I find it hard to believe that in only a few more days I will be the mommy of three wonderful children.

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