Sunday, December 17, 2006

Lazy Day

I love Sunday afternoons. Sunday is a "day of rest" in the Inkster household. We slow down, relax and spend time together as a family. All of the kids take naps on Sunday. Usually, Ben and I lay down for a nap as well.

This afternoon I dozed in my bed, cozy and comfy. I heard my two-year-old cry out from his room. He had just woken up and was feeling snuggly. I carried him back to my room and we burrowed under the covers together.

My little guy loves to cuddle. He also loves to talk. (He is his father's son!) We lay on our backs in the bed, admiring the late-afternoon sunlight streaming through our west-facing window. My son kept me well entertained with a steady stream of conversation.

"Look Mommy! Bugs!" he said, pointing toward the ceiling. Tiny dust particles danced through the air, caught in a sun beam.

"Bugs!" I exclaimed, "What kind of bugs?"

"Worms!" he said with a giggle, "It's yummy worms!"

"Oh, I see ... are they chocolate worms?" I asked.

"No," my son laughed, "They orange juice worms!" He pretended to catch the "worms" out of the air.

"You're a silly guy! Sing me a song," I prompted. (Nothing is cuter than a two-year-old singing.)

"Tinkle, tinkle little star ..." he sang, and made it through the entire song. He even got most of the words right! Ben quietly slipped into the room.

"Now I sing 'nother song," my son exclaimed, "It's orange juice song!"

The lyrics to the orange juice song went something like this:

"Orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song, orange juice song ..."

My son's singing trailed off. "What happened? Did you lose your place?" Ben asked.

Our two-year-old assumed a serious expression. "Oh, yes," he said, "I lose my place." He gazed toward the ceiling, trying to remember where he left off in his song.

"Oh look! Bugs!"

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