Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Round of Applause and a Great Big Kiss

I would just like to share that I have the most wonderful husband in the world. He is a man who knows his wife well.

Ben understands that I can get caught up doing things --- cleaning the house, cooking, shopping, running after the kids, making projects. He also knows that I am not exactly a high-energy person. I take on too much and then collapse from exhaustion.

My wonderful husband did a great deal for me today. I took a (glorious) two-hour nap this afternoon. He went grocery shopping, took out the garbage and recycling, attended a meeting at church this evening, and helped me clean out the basement. What a man!

1 comment:

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

We're definitely kindred spirits on this one...I'm just like you in that respect. And similarly blessed with a fabulous hubby. Congrats. =)