Thursday, October 04, 2007

Book Review:

How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships
by Leil Lowndes

I have struggled with shyness for most of my adult life. Large, noisy parties tie my tongue in knots, and I would rather visit the dentist than pick up a telephone. I especially dislike small talk and have trouble initiating conversation with strangers.

Though God has created me to be quiet and introverted by nature, I cannot let shyness keep me from being a godly, grace-full woman. I'll never be bubbly or exceptionally outgoing, but I have made a resolution to become more friendly and open. I cannot hide myself away in fear.

My friend recommended I read Leil Lowndes' How to Talk to Anyone. This book offers 92 bite-sized communication tips and tricks. The chapters are short and filled with funny anecdotes and scenarios. How to Talk to Anyone is a quick, often entertaining read.

I gleaned a few helpful suggestions from this book, especially from the section entitled "How to Direct Dial Their Hearts" (tips for talking on the phone). Unfortunately, I found most of Leil Lowndes' communication tricks to be artificial and contrived. Many of the suggestions were downright manipulative. As I read her book I often thought, "I don't think I would like to meet this author in real life. I'd be scared she'd try and pull a fast one on me!"

How to Talk to Anyone has armed me with a few new communication tools. However, I prefer to take a more genuine, heartfelt approach. I don't simply want to appear to be interested in the lives of others. I would rather actually become more focused on other people's lives and needs. It's a hard road! We humans are a selfish lot, but I'm praying God will help me take my eyes off myself and my own social fears.

Are you interested in reading other bloggers' book reviews? Check out the Fall Into Reading 2007 Mr. Linky hosted by Callipidder Days.

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