Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Ladies Man

Yesterday afternoon I ushered my son through his classroom door. Another mom gently pulled me aside in the hallway.

"I have to tell you ... my daughter could not stop talking about your son all weekend."

My eyebrows shot up. "Oh?" I asked, hoping my son was not about to get in trouble.

"Absolutely," the other mother giggled, "She says your son is her boyfriend."


"Oh, really..." I smiled.

"Yep. She told me your son helped her make supper in the play kitchen on Friday afternoon ... and that she gave him a kiss on the cheek."

This was definitely news to me.

"She says she sits beside your son all the time."

Oh my.

"She sang his name all weekend long, and couldn't wait to come see him at school on Monday."


"Didn't your son mention any of this to you?" the poor girl's mom asked.

I looked down at my shoes. "Well, no. Not really," I sheepishly replied.

For goodness sake! The boy's only four years old!

As I drove the kids home at the end of the school day, I gently asked my son about his new "girlfriend". He gave me a blank look and asked if he could have a peanut butter sandwich at snack time.

Good. Just the answer I was hoping for. I want to hang on to my little boy for a while longer yet.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Funny! Especially the difference between the girl's experience and the boy's! I wonder if this will be happening to my youngest in a few years. He's a bit of a flirt at 2.