Monday, July 14, 2008

Menu Plan Monday
July 14, 2008

I must make a confession --- my recipe choices for last week were, shall we say, less than stellar. The curried lentil soup was downright awful. (I still have a large portion mellowing to a fine vintage in my fridge.) So much for experimentation. Our kids did love the cheeseburger pasta, but personally I was turned off by the fact that the dish closely resembles a "helpful" meal-in-a-box.

Here is my proposed meal plan for the coming week:

Monday: No cooking (supper with my parents)
Tuesday: Shrimp marinara, whole wheat spaghetti, green salad
Wednesday: BBQ with friends (I will bring honey mustard potato salad)
Thursday: Tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, melon cubes
Friday: BBQ beef burgers, pea 'n' peanut salad, frozen yogurt
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Chicken caesar wraps, raw carrot sticks

This week I have also decided to try something new. I'm going to plan our afternoon snacks as well. By four o'clock most days my blood sugar plummets and I enter a nearly comatose state. I can barely muster the brain power to dig through the fridge and find a snack for the kids (and myself). Maybe it will help to have some options pre-planned.

Here is my proposed snack plan for the coming week:

Monday: Fruit bars
Tuesday: Graham crackers and sliced oranges
Wednesday: Nectarines
Thursday: Apple slices with peanut butter
Friday: Bananas and arrowroot biscuits
Saturday: Homemade yogurt pops
Sunday: Fruit salad

Hopefully, I will find time to bake these Best Big, Fat, Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies as well!

Check out Menu Plan Monday at Org Junkie for more delicious recipes and menu planning inspiration.

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