Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Great Books for Kids:

Desmond and the Naughty Bugs
by Linda Ashman

"Desmond was a sweet boy ... usually. But it's hard to be good when the naughty bugs show up..." The Sloggies sprinkle Desmond with dawdle dust. A Pesky bothers him in the grocery store. The Squirmies spritz Desmond with Fidgey Mist, and the Whineys settle in on a rainy day.

The Naughty Bugs is a fun book and has become favourite with our young family. The children enjoy reading about Squirmies, Snarlies and Grumblies. We've even started naming our family's own particular naughty bugs. An infestation of Whineys is less daunting when we imagine the colourful bugs behind the naughty behavior!

This is a great book for teaching children to recognize bad attitudes in a fun and friendly way.

1 comment:

The Nilsen's Journey said...

Thanks for the advice. I ordered the book today online. I think books that encourage talk about these types of things are a great tool! Thanks for the recommendation.