Monday, September 01, 2008

The Labour Game

Here's a fun meme from Rocks in My Dryer. In honour of Labour Day it's all about (you guessed it) labour.

How long were your labors?

Baby #1 --- 6 hours
Baby #2 --- 6 hours
Baby #3 --- 4 1/2 hours
Baby #4 --- 4 hours

How did you know you were in labor?

With all the babies there was just a point where I "knew". Strong contractions woke me up in the middle of the night or early in the morning. All the labours followed basically the same pattern.

Where did you deliver?

Babies#1 & #2 --- the hospital
Babies #3 & #4 --- waterbirths at home




None, praise God.

Who delivered?

Our first two babies were delivered by the doctors on call at the hospital. I had never met any of the doctors before. (Rather impersonal, though not altogether bad, experiences.) Our next two babies were delivered by my wonderful midwives at home, in an inflatable pool in our kitchen.

Head over the the Mr. Linky on Shannon's blog if you'd like to play along :-).

1 comment:

The Nilsen's Journey said...

I'm glad you had such good experiences with your labours!! My first was 21 hours, so I'm hoping for a shorter second, God willing. I agree though,very thankful for no c-sections!