Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Middle C

I love how our second-born son is starting to become his own person. I often feel he gets lost in the shadow of his big brother. Our Middle C is now coming into his own and starting to shine in his own right.

Our big boy loves to draw. He often (as in several times each day) just has to draw something. Beetles are a favourite subject at the moment. For the most part, he is still at the stage of drawing people with large heads and randomly sprouting limbs. I love that. Our big boy is also learning to write some letters. I am amazed by how much he has learned in preschool after only a few short months.

Our second-born certainly has an imaginative, artistic bent. He loves to dance. Sometimes he spontaneously starts to move and groove and just can't sit still! The music is inside and bursting to come out. Our four-year-old is anxious to begin ballet like his big brother. I think it's cool how our boys see nothing wrong with taking dance. I love how our Middle C has a sensitive, artistic nature.  He's a special little boy, to be sure.


1 comment:

The Nilsen's Journey said...

he has stole my heart - especially with his cute curls & bedtime prayer we witnessed I think last fall. I am blessed seeing your heart for each of your children - they take a lot of time, yet you are careful to focus on them as individuals too! A great mamma friend & example!