Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Please Pass the Kleenex?

It's been a snotty day around here.

A round of colds has slowly drifted through our family this past week.  So far child #1 and I are the only ones to escape unscathed.  Child #2 caught the cold first (he always does, it seems) and is pretty well recovered.  My poor husband is under the weather with a persistent sinus infection (left over from the last round of colds).  Unfortunately, children #3 and #4 have it the worst at the moment.

Of course, children #3 and #4 are the ones who can't wipe their own noses...


It's not been an altogether bad day, mind you.  We took it slow and made some crafts this morning.  The little guys had a long nap this afternoon and I'm thinking an early bedtime is on the horizon.  

And then I will run to the grocery store and buy a case load of tissues...


The Nilsen's Journey said...

Oh no! A prayer went up for you all just now! Hopefully it passes quickly!

Prairie Girl said...

I hope everyone is feeling better soon!