Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sweet Peace

Sometimes parents must be a bit sneaky.

My preschool-aged son has grown out of his nap (for the most part) but once or twice a week he needs an afternoon sleep. Over the past couple of days he has become increasingly grouchy. By the time two o'clock rolled around today, he definitely needed a nap.

The problem is, my son thinks he is now a "big boy" and therefore never needs a nap. There are so many other interesting things to do! He has Mommy all to himself in the afternoon, and he gets to play with "big boy" things (like Star Wars lego and safety scissors).

This afternoon my toddler fell asleep in his high chair at lunch time. I carefully hauled him upstairs to bed. Baby Girl was drooping in her swing, and my preschooler was fading fast.

"Why don't you snuggle your nank in Mommy's bed while I put your sister to sleep?" I asked my son, "It sure would be comfy under the covers..." Thankfully, he decided that snuggling in Mommy and Daddy's bed sounded like a good idea.

I took extra long nursing the baby to sleep.

Hmmmm ... it's now two hours later and I haven't heard a peep from upstairs.

This afternoon has been very nice, indeed.

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