Our little guy turned two years old today. He celebrated the day with a trip to the dentist, an extra-long nap in the afternoon, a roast beef dinner, and pumpkin cake complete with birthday candles. (I think the birthday candles were his favourite part of the whole day.) We have invited our extended family over for a big birthday bash on Sunday.
Our little man also enjoyed opening his presents after supper. He received a new outfit (pants and a shirt with trucks on it) and the Curious George DVD. He loves the movie. Ben and the children all snuggled together on the couch and watched part of it tonight. (I really enjoy the music on Curious George.)
I can hardly believe my baby boy is already two years old. Where has the time gone? Before I know it he'll be going off to school!

Hey, hit next blog because I was feeling a little random.
Great to hear about your baby turning 2!
Sigh, I am days late reading this post but I still wanted to wish your son a happy belated birthday. I hope you all have fun tomorrow!
Thanks, J. :-)
I think he's looking forward to his party tomorrow. We ordered a Bob the Builder cake for him, and he's very excited.
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