Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Works For Me: The Kitchen Edition

Lock 'Em Out!

In a home full of preschoolers, no kitchen cupboard is safe from curious little fingers. We've tried various types of latches and locks on our cupboards and drawers. Far and away, the most effective locks we've found are magnetic Tot Loks.

These locks are great. They are impossible to open without using a strong, magnetic "key". We keep our key stuck to the top of the fridge, out of the kids' reach. The locks are strong and sturdy. The locking mechanism is also easy to deactivate by flipping a small red lever.

I will admit, the magnetic locks took some getting used to at first. It was a pain to grab the key from the fridge every time I wanted to throw garbage into the pail under the sink. The peace of mind these locks afford, however, is worth that little extra effort. Our bottom cupboards and drawers are as safe as we can make them.

(How's that for shameless product endorsement?)

For more great kitchen ideas, check out WFMW headquarters at Rocks In My Dryer.


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Wow...I've never even heard of those. Where did you get them?

Lindsay Inkster said...

We bought them at a place called Katz's Kids. (We had to look in several stores before we found them.) Tot Loks easy to find online, though.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Not too many stores to look in here in 100 Mile! Thanks for the tip I'll look for them online. =)