Sunday, July 06, 2008

Menu Plan Monday
July 7, 2008

We made it! Our move is complete and we are almost settled in to our new home. This house is so beautiful. Next week I need to clean, clean, clean our previous home to prepare for the new owners.

The weather in Calgary has been gorgeous and hot all week. I am very thankful our new house has central air conditioning! We have been pampered by the cool air these past few days.

I am slowly getting back on my feet now that our kitchen is unpacked. I managed to buy a few groceries on Friday and will do my usual grocery run on Monday. Admittedly, we ate out a lot this past week. I was simply too exhausted to cook (or even search for my dishes amidst the boxes). I'm looking forward to resuming our normal routine soon.

Here's my proposed menu plan for the coming week:

Monday: No cooking (supper with my parents)
Tuesday: Curried lentil soup (slow cooker), whole wheat toast
Wednesday: Cheeseburger pasta, chunky fruit salad
Thursday: Broccoli chicken potato parmesan, tossed green salad
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Grilled salmon burgers, whole grain buns, baked beans, raw veggie sticks
Sunday: Forage through the fridge

Please head over to Org Junkie to browse through further recipes and menu planning ideas.

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