Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Joy of Work

The other day I brought home a library book for my children entitled Just Plain Fancy by Patricia Polacco. I was drawn to the book because it is about an Amish family. I have long been fascinated by the Amish way of life (but no, I do not secretly yearn to be Amish). I also very much enjoy reading Beverley Lewis' Lancaster County novels.

Let me share the opening lines of Just Plain Fancy:

Kaleb and his two daughters hurried along Lancaster County Road in their buggy. Cars whizzed by them, but they paid no mind. Clop, clop, clop went the horse's hooves on the pavement.

"Papa," Naomi asked, "why don't we have a car like the English?"

"It is not our way, child. We are in no hurry," he said as he drew up the reins and slowly directed the horse into their farmyard.

... "We are in no hurry." When was the last time I heard someone say that? Our modern society is always in a rush. People have places to go and things to accomplish. We have so much work to do, and so little time to cram it all in.

Or so the lie goes.

How often do people talk about slowing down, about finding joy in work? I would think that the Amish are some of the hardest working people in the world. Yet, their society does not operate at the frenzied pace of ours. What is their secret?

I would venture to say that our society has a warped view of work. I think many people see work as an unpleasant part of life --- work must be endured until it is time to play. However, I do not think this is a Biblical view. I believe God has given us work as a gift, and that He expects us to find joy and satisfaction in the very act of working.

God even assigned work to Adam in the Garden of Eden:

The Lord took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
Genesis 2:15

Yes, we enjoy the rewards of our hard work. I am not negating the satisfaction of a job well done. At the same time, I believe God would want us to be full of joy as we perform every task throughout the day --- whether or not we expect to see a "reward" for our efforts.

It has been almost a year since I brought home a pay cheque for my family. Even though I am not reimbursed monetarily, my days are filled with work. Most of the time my work goes unnoticed. And I will admit, I often crave recognition for the things I accomplish. At the same time, I have committed to becoming a more grace-full woman, as described in Proverbs 31.

Therefore, I try to take joy in everything I do during the day --- whether it is washing the dishes, changing diapers, balancing the books, or reading to my boys. I choose to slow down and enjoy my work.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Colossians 3: 23-24

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