Thursday, July 20, 2006


It's a feeling I can't quite define yet. It started shortly after our daughter was born last month.

The feeling strikes when we are driving in our van and I catch a glimpse of the backseat full of car seats. Or when I'm making supper and I see my husband lying on the couch, three little people sprawled across his body, snuggling. I often feel it in the wee hours of the night when I silently tip-toe into my babies' rooms just to watch them sleep.

It's a feeling of contentment, pleasure, of fullness. It is not unlike a sense of comfortable satisfaction after enjoying a wonderful meal. My life seems to glow.

My heart is filled with optimism, and also a gentle longing. Our family is full, but I feel it is not yet complete. Our baby girl is only a month old, but I sometimes already find myself dreaming about our next little one. Lord willing, I could fill our house full of children.

I am also full of gratitude --- thankfulness that God would bless me exceedingly and abundantly more than I could ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20). I can hardly believe that the Lord would allow me to live this dream life with my very best friend, Ben.

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