Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Pod from God

(Sorry. I couldn't resist.)

In a few weeks we plan to load our family (and most of our worldly possessions, so it seems) into our minivan and set off on an adventure. An adventure to Saskatchewan, the flat land to the east. (I actually love Saskatchewan. I'm allowed to make fun because I was born there.)

Our poor minivan can barely contain our growing family, let alone all the stuff that comes along with said family. (Why do children need so much stuff?) Ben and I weren't sure where we would cram it all in. We decided that the only alternative was to buy a pod for our roof rack.

The thing is, brand new pods can be awfully expensive. At least $200. I was reluctant to spend that much money. However, this afternoon God chose to bless us with a new (to us) pod for our minivan! I spotted it at a garage sale down the street. We paid a mere $30 for the pod! I was totally pumped.

Sometimes I feel silly about bringing my needs to God. He has much bigger things to worry about than my vacation plans. Tonight I am thankful to serve a God who even cares about the little things in my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a safe and exciting trip to the flat lands!