Friday, June 22, 2007

Spring Reading Thing Wrap Up

Yesterday was the first official day of Summer. I am glad to see the return of sunshine and warm weather! Sadly, yesterday also marked the end of the Spring Reading Thing. I have enjoyed participating in my first online reading challenge, and I'm looking forward to Callipider Days' next challenge in September.

My Spring reading list named thirteen books. The selections included a mix of fiction and non-fiction titles. Unfortunately, I bit off more than I could chew; my list was too long! I managed to finish five out of eight fiction books, and three out of the five non-fiction. (I also cheated and read a few books outside of my list.)

Here are my thoughts on the Spring Reading Thing ...

What was the best book you read this spring?

I very much enjoyed Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman. My husband read it as well, and we passed it along to several family members. (Be aware, the content of the book is quite explicit.) I think Sheet Music is an excellent resource for Christian married couples.

What book could you have done without?

I was extremely disappointed with I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence by Amy Sedaris. This book was totally not what I expected.

Did you try out a new author this spring? If so, which one, and will you be reading that author again?

In the realm of fiction, I gave Jan Karon's Mitford series a go. I very much like her whimsical style and dry sense of humour. In terms of non-fiction, I read Dr. Kevin Leman for the first time. I have already placed several more of his books on hold at the library.

If there were books you didn't finish, tell us why. Did you run out of time? Realize those books weren't worth it?

I did leave several books unfinished. I did not read each book for one of three reasons: My name is still in the hold queue at the library (two titles); I have the book waiting on my shelf, but ran out of time (two titles); I decided I wasn't interested in the book (one title).

Did you come across a book or two on other participants' lists that you're planning to add to your own to-be-read pile? Which ones?

I saw Me, Myself and Bob by Phil Vischer on several other participants' lists. I added it to my own list and read it early on in the Spring. Highly recommended.

What did you learn -- about
anything -- through this challenge?

I learned that my reading list was overly ambitious. I wish I had more time to read! For the next reading challenge I will chose half as many books.

As well, I learned that I don't like being tied to a list. I generally have three or four books on the go at any given time. I like variety.

What was the best part of the Spring Reading Thing?

Reading is a very individualistic pursuit, but the Spring Reading Thing helped turn it into a social activity. I've enjoyed reading other participants' lists and reviews. I have also enjoyed posting my own book reviews. I like analyzing and critiquing the books I've read.

Would you be interested in participating in another reading challenge this fall?

Count me in!


Nise' said...

I found myself denying myself a book along the way because it was not on my challenge list and I wanted to complete the challenge! LOL. I may be less ambitious with the next challenge in order to read those that are not on "the list"!

Unknown said...

I have been wanting to read Sheet Music, so thanks for the strong recommendation. I strongly recommend his Birth Order Book--really great--in terms of marriage, friends,yourself, and children.

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

I've enjoyed a few of Leman's books, but haven't read Sheet Music. Thanks for the recommendation! So glad you enjoyed the Spring Reading Thing. I'm looking forward to seeing you for the fall challenge!