Sunday, July 29, 2007

(In My Own Defence)

"So, Lindsay. Is there something you'd like to tell us?"

"Well, no. What do you mean?"

"Well, ummm. It just seems that you've been nesting an awful lot lately ..."

This weekend I was asked if I am "expecting" on three different occasions. My goodness! Can't a girl do a little re-decorating! (And sewing and cooking and cleaning and organizing.)

Sure, I'll admit I may have too many projects on the go right now. This weekend I finally cleared out the junk piled in our garage. I also re-organized the storage room and cleaned the closets. Tomorrow my mom is taking the kids for the day. I am planning to paint our bedroom. (A project I've been looking forward to for more than a year.)

I also have about a dozen crafty-good projects cooked up (ie. half finished).

Oh yes, and there's also that pile of books I've been trying to read.

And a block party to organize.

A music exam in August.

And several friends I've been meaning to meet for coffee.

Phew. I am generally not a high-energy person. I'd definitely classify myself as a "slow and steady wins the race" type of girl. This period of productivity is unusual for me, but I have a theory ...

I often joke that I am solar powered. My energy levels are much better through the sunny summer season. As well, my Baby Girl is quickly becoming a toddler. She's been sleeping through the night (and thus, so have I) for several months. Because I have been pregnant and/or nursing a small baby for several years straight, I think I simply accepted exhaustion and sleep deprivation as a given. Now that I am well-rested, I feel like Super Woman!

Ben and I would love to welcome a fourth Inkling into our family, but for the time being, God has not blessed us with another pregnancy. I must admit, I'm a bit surprised. This will be the largest spacing we've had between babies. At the same time, I am thoroughly enjoying my new-found energy!

In a way, I suppose I am nesting. I love cleaning and organizing and decorating. I enjoy making things with my hands. Come autumn, I suspect I may be exhausted, nauseous and lacking motivation. Part of me feels I must complete all my projects this summer, while I still have loads of energy. Make hay while the sun is shining, I say!

So tomorrow I hope to spend the day up to my elbows in paint. I plan to revel in my productivity. Maybe this week I'll even finish one or two more project on my plate.

And Benjie, enough teasing. You'll love our new room :-).

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