Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mr. Golden Sun

"Hey, Mommy. I gonna tell you a story."

I finished tucking the sheets around my toddler's bed, brushed the hair from my eyes, and turned to face him. "What kind of story, Buddy?" I asked.

"A story about Mr. Golden Sun."

"Okay," I said. I picked up several stray toys and straightened some books on the shelf. "Go ahead."

"Once upon a time there was a sun. He's name was Mr. Golden Sun." My little guy paused for a moment and fiddled with his ball cap. "Do you know what colour Mr. Golden Sun is, Mommy?"

"Well, let me think," I replied, "Could he be ... golden?"

"No!" my toddler giggled, "He not golden, Mommy!"

"Oh, my." I was surprised. "If Mr. Golden Sun is not golden, then what colour is he?"

"Oh, Mommy!" My boy gave an exaggerated sigh. "Mr. Golden Sun is lellow! He's a lellow sun!"

"He's yellow!"


Pleased with his (very short) story, my tow-headed boy smiled and bounced out of the bedroom to greet a new day. My Mr. Golden Son.

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