Saturday, September 22, 2007

Baby, Baby

Our baby is nine weeks old today. (Actually, to be completely accurate, he/she is technically seven weeks old today. Every expectant mother is considered to be two weeks pregnant on the day she conceives.) According to the babycenter website, our little one is roughly the size of a kidney bean and has webbed fingers and toes. Interestingly enough, our real baby is about the same size as my "baby in a bubble" on the side blog.

This week I visited the midwife for my first prenatal appointment. I will be seeing the same two midwives throughout my pregnancy. (The lady I saw this week was the midwife who delivered my daughter. It's so comforting to meet with someone I like and trust.) The baby and I are both healthy and doing well. The midwife even tried to find the baby's heartbeat with her doppler, but it was a bit too early to detect it. My uterus is measuring big for my dates. (The midwife thinks it feels more like 12-13 weeks.) However, I am not overly concerned as my uterus measured large throughout the first trimester of my last pregnancy as well. At least I have a reason for the little baby belly already poking through the front of my shirt. (Maybe my belly is not a result of all those yogurt drinks after all!)

The past couple of days I have been feeling slightly less nauseous. I think the nausea improved when I stopped taking my prenatal vitamins (on the advice of my midwife). Instead, I am taking one small folic acid supplement, an omega 3-6-9 capsule, and some alfalfa tablets. I'll try and go back on the prenatal vitamins in my second trimester. Here's to hoping the "green fog" days are nearing their end!

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