Monday, November 12, 2007

It's an Animal Rescue!

The few weeks ago we borrowed a Diego video from the library. Because we don't have a TV, it was the first time our boys have ever watched the popular show. Our three-year-old son was particularly enthralled by the video. Animal rescues! Exotic travel! Cool explorer clothes!

Since then, he regularly pretends to be Diego. Our little guy puts on his yellow rubber boots and orange Nemo backpack. He totes a toy butterfly net through the house, "rescuing animals in trouble". Our son can't get enough of the game.

This morning he wandered down the front hall as his daddy was leaving for work. His chubby, little hands were cupped around a precious treasure.

"What do you have there, Buddy?" Ben asked.

"Oh, nothing," our son replied, "It's just a pygmy marmoset."

A pygmy marmoset!? Where did he learn that one? I didn't even know what a pygmy marmoset was until I looked it up!

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