Friday, November 07, 2008

Bedtime Prayers

Our kindergartner might be a budding astronaut. This afternoon he came home inspired by today's "alphabet guest" at school. (The guest was an engineer for the letter "E".) Our son raided the recycling bins and built a jet pack out of an old cereal box, toilet paper tubes, and reams of masking tape. He also made a "space hat" from tissue paper and constructed a computer keyboard from cardboard. Tomorrow our intrepid five-year-old is planning an epic mission.

Our four-year-old was intrigued by his brother's space adventure. He decided to get in on the action as well, and ventured into the garage to scavenge his own building materials. This was a very brave step for our young preschooler. (Our second-born is convinced scary creatures live in the garage.)

This evening our family prayer time was marked by a couple of gems. Here are the earnest prayers of our two young boys:

"Dear God. Thank you for my family. Thank you for my day. Please help me to have a good mission to Mars tomorrow. In Jesus name, Amen."


"Dear Lord Jesus. Thank you for my family. Thank you for my day. Thank you that Thomas the train lives at our house. And thank you that there are no scary monsters in the garage. Amen."