Saturday, June 10, 2006


Today I had the privilege of taking my three-year-old to his first movie at the theatre.

Nothing beats the excitement of a little boy going to see a movie about shiny, noisy, racing cars. My son spent the entire show perched on the edge of his seat with a huge bag of popcorn balanced on his lap. He was totally enthralled.

Because he had never been to a real movie before, my preschooler was not versed in "proper theatre etiquette". Some scenes left him so excited he couldn't help but burst out with adorable (and audible to the entire theatre) commentary ...

"Mommy, that car goes fast!!!"

"That car looks just like on Star Wars!"

And my favourite: "This popcorn is really salty!"

But the best part of our "movie date" was when my little man spontaneously cupped my face in both of his buttery hands and kissed me gently on the lips, right in the middle of the show.

I hope my son stays so sweet and innocent forever.

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