Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Lunch Date

Isn't it funny how your perspective changes?

When we had our first child it was a major production to get Mom, Dad and Baby out and about. We lugged around a huge diaper bag, filled with every conceivable item we could possibly require. Baby had to be diapered, dressed, swaddled, bundled and buckled snugly into his car seat. Then we had to figure out how, exactly, that car seat strapped into our vehicle. We also had gear --- fancy stroller, baby bjorn carrier, the backpack.

By the time we finally got everything and everyone ready to leave, we were too tired to go out for very long.


This morning the boys went to the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa. Ben, our sweet baby girl and I were left at home.

"Hey!" I said, "It's just the three of us. Let's go out for lunch, or something. It seems like forever since we went on a date."

Within ten minutes we were comfortably seated in a booth at a restaurant. Baby slept in her car seat through almost the entire meal. Ben and I remarked on how relaxing it was to go out with "just the three of us".

Times do change.

Oh ... and I forgot the diaper bag at home.

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