Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Nearly every morning at 9:20am (give or take a few minutes) our phone rings.

"Hello," says the computer generated voice, "This is the Calgary Public Library holds and overdue notification system with a message for (pause) Lindsay Marie Iiiinkster. You have (pause) one item being held at this time..."

At least that's the message 99.99% of the time. A couple weeks ago I was surprised to pick up the phone and hear:

"This is the Calgary Public Library holds and overdue notification system with a message for (pause) Benjamin Mitchell Iiiinkster. You have (pause) one overdue item..."

My beloved is also a devoted bibliophile. He's not so much a library geek, though. He'll borrow library books now and then but rarely has more than one or two out at a time.

"Man," I thought to myself, "Can't that guy keep track of his own library book? It's not like he has dozens piled up on the shelves. Now I'll have to go hunting for the stupid book because I'm sure he's completely forgotten. Why can't he ever keep track of is own stuff? I'll bet he can't even remember what book it was!"

In a huff, I mentioned the phone call to Ben when he returned home that evening. Within a few minutes we both promptly forgot about it.

This morning I picked up our mail from the box on the corner. Inside, I found a letter from the Calgary Public Library. It was addressed to my dearly beloved.

"Oh great," I inwardly groaned, "He still hasn't returned the stupid book. When will that guy get his act together?" I tore open the notice and read through the page.

Wait a minute.

Ben's overdue book was the Taste of Home Baking Book???

That clearly wasn't my husband's book.

It was mine.

I suddenly remembered a night a couple months ago when I was too tired to go to the library. Ben kindly offered to pick up my book on his way home from work. He checked the book out on his own card.

And I had totally forgotten about it.


The Nilsen's Journey said...

I love reading your blog! You are truly a humble person who is honest with her realness! It's great! Never change how transparent you are!!

Prairie Girl said...

I'm pretty popular with the same lady and get to hear that voice a lot too - sadly it's not for items being held. ;)